Svetlana Galubovskaya
Svetlana Halubovskaya, violinist
(Minsk, Belarus)
Born in Minsk. When she was 7 years old, she entered the musical school, where she learned in the violin class under Prof. Zotova Galina. After finishing it in 2002, she continued her musical learning in the Republican Music College, where she learned in the viola class. In 2010 she graduated from Belarussian State Academy of Music. The teacher on viola- Prof. Lastovka Lucia, on chamber ensemble- Prof. Galochkina Irina.
She is the prize-winner of some International Competitions:
- E.Koka in Kishinev, Moldova (2005) - II prize,
- M.Elskiy in Minsk,Belarus (2008) - III prize.
Took part in viola master-classes with Prof. Yu.Bashmet, Vl.Rodin, Ul.Schneider; and on chamber ensemble with Prof. D.Draganov, N.Kozhukhar, Dm.Subow, R.Krimer. She plays ın varıous chamber ensembles and orchestras : «Chamber Soloist of Minsk» ,«Ricercar», «Pocket Symphony», «Young Belarus», «East-West Chamber Orchestra», State Chamber Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus, plays wıth symphony and chamber orchestras, took part ın Internatıonal festıvals :
Youth Symfony Orchestra of the CIS (2008),
Internatıonal Youth Festıval Bayreuth (2010, 2011),
Bashmet Festival in Minsk (2015, 2016, 2018).
She is the grant-aided student of special fund of the President of Belarus on support of talented youth (2005).
2010-2011 - worked as an orchestral musician and music teacher at the Belarusian Academy of Music.
2010-2018 - Principal viola in Bolshoi Theater of the Republic of Belarus.
2018 - (Hanoi) Violin / Viola teacher for Hanoi Musicland School Of Music, 166 - 168 Hao Nam str, Dong Da, Hanoi (Violin lesson in Hanoi).